Speech of The Managing Director


Tuhin Institute of Training is a research based training institute. We are famous for providing quality IT training services for the corporate levels of Bangladesh. We have already worked with and provided training for RMP (Rajshahi Metropolitan Police), RCC (Rajshahi City Corporation), giz(Germany’s NGO), PH (Project Headway), SDTTI(Self-Development & Technical Training Institute), BTTDC(Bangladesh Technical Training & Development Center), HSTTI(Higher School Teacher’s Training Institute), DSS (Department of Social Service), NGB (Nabil Group Bangladesh) and many other Govt. & Non-Govt. organization’s and company’s employees and entrepreneur too. Every year we do a number of free workshops, seminars, online & offline events etc. for the IT skill development of young generation as well as for the development of human resources of Bangladesh. We alone with out trainees also work for the solution & development of hardware & software as well as website development, Android App Development, Cyber Security etc. As per the development of IT Industries of the world our beloved country Bangladesh is far behind. The term of cyber security is going to be the most vital needs day by day. In case of inefficiency we have already  lost 800 crore Taka from Bangladesh Bank. So this it the demand of 100% people that they should have the minimum basic IT skills to save their resources in the present world. So for the vital requirement not only govt. organizations are enough to provide quality training to make our human resources skillful faster. We are always ready to work for the great purpose separately and c0-oparately with GOs(Govt. Organizations) and NGOs(Non Govt. Organizations). If you would like to know more about us please meet us to our address.


Thanking You
Mr. Tuhin Ahmed
(Managing Director & Chief IT Trainer)
Tuhin Institute of Training 

Contact Us

Call Us(GP): 01711-141718
Call Us(BL): 01911-149025
bKash: 01511-149025
Rocket: 01511-149025
NexusPay: 01511-149025
Telephone: 02588-853312
e-mail: info@tuhinit.com

7th Floor, Shafali Tower(Besides Bindu Hotel), Rail-gate , Rajshahi-6100

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